Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Cetatea Fagaras-Fagaras Fortress-Fagaras Festung-Făgăraş Φρούριο-Fogarasi város
Cetatea Fagarasului este locul din care, spune legenda, a plecat Negru Voda sa întemeieze Valahia, tara româneasca de la sud de Carpatii Meridionali.Initial a fost construita din lemn si pamant in jurul anilor 1310, de catre Ladislau Kan, voievod al Transilvaniei in acea perioada, membru al familiei de nobili unguri, Kan. Aceasta a fost apoi transformata treptat de catre voievodul Ladislau Apor (darama si reconstruieste cetatea, folosind piatra si atribuindu-i rol de aparare)si alti voievozi.
Fagaras Fortress is the most impressive monument of the town, and the core around which the town was actually built. Ladislaw Kan started to built it in 1310 on the former place of a 12th century wooden fortress strengthened by earthen walled fortifications. The former fortress had been burned down by the Tartars in 1241. The fort was enlarged and rebuilt in the 15th-17th centuries in the Transylvanian Renaissance style and came to be known, alongside with Deva, as one of the strongest fortifications in Transylvania.

Fagaras Fortress is the most impressive monument of the town, and the core around which the town was actually built. Ladislaw Kan started to built it in 1310 on the former place of a 12th century wooden fortress strengthened by earthen walled fortifications. The former fortress had been burned down by the Tartars in 1241. The fort was enlarged and rebuilt in the 15th-17th centuries in the Transylvanian Renaissance style and came to be known, alongside with Deva, as one of the strongest fortifications in Transylvania.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Catedrala Romano-Catolica Alba Iulia
Catedrala Romano Catolica-Alba Iulia (1246-1300), cel mai valoros monument de arhitectura medievala din Transilvania, de aceeasi varsta cu celebra Notre Dame, a fost ridicata pe locul unei biserici distrusa de tatari in 1241.
Roman Catholic Cathedral, Alba Iulia (1246-1300), the most valuable monument of medieval architecture in Transylvania, the same age as the famous Notre Dame, was built on the site of a church destroyed by the Tatars in 1241.

Catedrala romano-catolică Sf. Mihail este o remarcabilă operă de arhitectură religioasă în stil romanic tarziu, cel mai valoros monument de arhitectura din Transilvania, de aceasi varsta cu celebra Catedrala Notre-Dame de Paris, 1247 - 1291. A fost construită în perioada 1247-1291 şi se pare că la elaborarea planurilor iniţiale a contribuit şi
arhitectul francez Villard de Honnecourt.
In secolul al XVI-lea i s-au adus noi completari: o capela pe latura nordica (in stilul Renasterii italiene) si frescele din interior. Intre 1550 si 1700, catedrala a fost preluata de unitarieni si calvini, iar la inceputul secolului al XVIII-lea a revenit ritului catolic.
Intre 1718 si 1737, s-a construit o bolta la intrarea vestica si frontonul triunghiular, strajuit de patru statuete de sfinti si trei basoreliefuri. In interior in partea dreapta, se afla oranduite sarcofagiile Huniazilor, lucrate in stil gotic, deteriorate in timpul atacurilor tatare. In nava laterala nordica se afla pietrele de mormant ale unor episcopi si demnitari laici transilvaneni din secolele al XIV-lea si al XV-lea.
Catedrala are o orga cu 2209 tuburi, datand din 1877.
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Cathedral is a remarkable piece of religious architecture in the late Romanesque style, the most valuable monument of architecture in Transylvania, the same age as the famous Notre-Dame de Paris, 1247-1291. It was built between 1247-1291 and apparently contributed to the initial plans
the French architect Villard Honnecourt.
In the sixteenth century have brought new additions: a chapel on the north side (Italian Renaissance) and the frescoes inside. Between 1550 and 1700, the cathedral was taken over by Unitarians and Calvinists, and in the early eighteenth century returned to the Catholic rite.
Between 1718 and 1737, has built a vault at the west entrance and a triangular gable, guarded by four statues of saints and three reliefs. Inside the right side, was ordained Huniazilor sarcophagi, crafted Gothic style, damaged during the Tatar attacks. The northern side of the ship are tombstones of some bishops and lay officials of the Transylvanian centuries XIV and XV.
The Cathedral has an organ with 2209 pipes, dating from 1877.
Roman Catholic Cathedral, Alba Iulia (1246-1300), the most valuable monument of medieval architecture in Transylvania, the same age as the famous Notre Dame, was built on the site of a church destroyed by the Tatars in 1241.

Catedrala romano-catolică Sf. Mihail este o remarcabilă operă de arhitectură religioasă în stil romanic tarziu, cel mai valoros monument de arhitectura din Transilvania, de aceasi varsta cu celebra Catedrala Notre-Dame de Paris, 1247 - 1291. A fost construită în perioada 1247-1291 şi se pare că la elaborarea planurilor iniţiale a contribuit şi
arhitectul francez Villard de Honnecourt.
In secolul al XVI-lea i s-au adus noi completari: o capela pe latura nordica (in stilul Renasterii italiene) si frescele din interior. Intre 1550 si 1700, catedrala a fost preluata de unitarieni si calvini, iar la inceputul secolului al XVIII-lea a revenit ritului catolic.
Intre 1718 si 1737, s-a construit o bolta la intrarea vestica si frontonul triunghiular, strajuit de patru statuete de sfinti si trei basoreliefuri. In interior in partea dreapta, se afla oranduite sarcofagiile Huniazilor, lucrate in stil gotic, deteriorate in timpul atacurilor tatare. In nava laterala nordica se afla pietrele de mormant ale unor episcopi si demnitari laici transilvaneni din secolele al XIV-lea si al XV-lea.
Catedrala are o orga cu 2209 tuburi, datand din 1877.
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Cathedral is a remarkable piece of religious architecture in the late Romanesque style, the most valuable monument of architecture in Transylvania, the same age as the famous Notre-Dame de Paris, 1247-1291. It was built between 1247-1291 and apparently contributed to the initial plans
the French architect Villard Honnecourt.
In the sixteenth century have brought new additions: a chapel on the north side (Italian Renaissance) and the frescoes inside. Between 1550 and 1700, the cathedral was taken over by Unitarians and Calvinists, and in the early eighteenth century returned to the Catholic rite.
Between 1718 and 1737, has built a vault at the west entrance and a triangular gable, guarded by four statues of saints and three reliefs. Inside the right side, was ordained Huniazilor sarcophagi, crafted Gothic style, damaged during the Tatar attacks. The northern side of the ship are tombstones of some bishops and lay officials of the Transylvanian centuries XIV and XV.
The Cathedral has an organ with 2209 pipes, dating from 1877.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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