Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brancusi 2 -- Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio

Masa Tacerii este realizata din calcar, avand urmatoarele dimensiuni: diametrul tabliei – 2,15 metri cu o grosime de 0,43 m, iar piciorul are un diametru de 2 metri si o grosime de 0,45 m. Potrivit exegetilor artei brancusiene, Masa Tacerii reprezinta masa la care stau soldatii inaintea confruntarii cu inamicul. In acelasi timp, scaunele reprezinta timpul dispus in clepsidre. Unii fac o analogie cu Cina cea de Taina a lui Leonardo da Vinci.
Urmeaza apoi Aleea Scaunelor reprezentandu-i pe cei care participa fara sa se implice, asteptand finalul.

The Table of Silence (Masa Tacerii) is made in limestone and it has the following dimensions: panel diameter 2, 15 meters, thick 0,43 m and the leg is 2 m in diameter and 0,45 m thick. According to the exegetes of the Brancusian art, the Table of Silence represents the table around which gather the soldiers before confronting their enemy. At the same time, the chairs stand for the time disposed in hourglasses. Some make an analogy with The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci.
Next comes the Chairs Alley representing those who participate without any implication, waiting for the end.

Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio
Brancusi Masa Tacerii Table of Silence Mesa del silencio


  1. Que belleza de paseo, un verde precioso en un lugar tranquilo para disfrutar, unos buenos detalles los que nos acercas, bello reportaje amigo laurentiu, un saludo

  2. Un reportaje precioso bonito lugar
    Un abrazo

  3. Excellent and quite artistic table.. hard to get in your garden thought ;-)

  4. looks so atmospheric!

    well captured!

    happy wednesday!

  5. Great pictures good compositions.

    Have a nice day.

    grtz, Joop

  6. j'aime ton reportage ! l'idée d'une table du
    silence avant un combat est impressionnante !
    l'allée de ceux qui ne s'impliquent pas également!
    je te souhaite une belle journée !
    bisous Laurentiu

  7. Love the idea of the table of silence. The round table implies, whoever sits there with you, must also look you in the eye. Silent confrontation. Love it! (Hugs)Indigo

  8. I love silence too, but i also love noise...not both at the same time, but one first and then the other.

    Que tengas buen día tú también.

    Un abrazo y un beso.


  9. Iti multumesc pentru invitatie!
    Nu am ajuns niciodata la acest faimos monument.

  10. Interesting place. Good photos. Greetings

  11. interesting pics..wonderful trees in those shots too.

  12. Muy bonitas fotografias!!! Mis felicitaciones.

  13. Belíssimas imagens!
    Obrigada pela visita!
    Um abraço carinhoso

  14. Superbe фото

  15. Gražūs nuotraukos!!!!!!! Ačiū :)

  16. Прекрасни фотографии

  17. 아름다운 사진들

  18. Magnifiques photos !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Lovely perspectives, and interesting information.

  20. So ähnlich sehen bei uns die Grillplätze aus, die zu DDR Zeiten in Naherholungsgebieten angelegt wurden :)

    best regards
