Monday, May 2, 2011

Brancusi 1 -- Poarta sarutului-Tor des kusses-Puerta del beso-Gate of the Kiss

Masa Tacerii, Poarta Sarutului si Coloana fara Sfarsit – sunt cele trei componente sculpturale de la Targu Jiu, realizate de Constantin Brancusi, care se constituie intr-un omagiu adus soldatilor eroi cazuti in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial. Initiativa realizarii acestui ansamblu i-a apartinut Aretiei Tatarascu, in 1937.
Cele trei elemente sculpturale sunt dispuse pe o axa lunga de 1275 metri, orientata de la apus spre rasarit in Parcul Central.

The Kiss Gate, The Table of Silence and the Endless Column – these are the three sculptural components from Targu-Jiu, made by Constantin Brancusi, which constitutes an homage to the hero soldiers fallen during the First World War. The initiative of achieving this ensemble belonged to Aretia Tatarascu, in 1937.
The three sculptural elements are disposed on an axis 1,275 meters long, oriented from West to East, in the Central Park.

The Kiss Gate (Poarta Sarutului) is the second element of the ensemble. Technically speaking, it is 5,13 m high, 5,45 m long and the pillars have 1,69 m width. This time, the material used was Banpotoc travertine and in order to achieve the Gate, Brancusi was helped by two stone carvers: Ion Alexandrescu from Bucharest and Golea from Dobrita. It’s significance is very simple: the Kiss Gate makes the transition to another life, and the motif on the pillars stands for the eyes looking inside.

Poarta Sarutului este cel de al doilea element al Ansamblului. Tehnic vorbind are o inaltime de 5,13 m, o lungime de 5,45 m, iar stalpii au latura de 1,69 m. De aceasta data materialul folosit a fost travertin de Banpotoc, iar pentru realizare Portii, Brancusi a fost ajutat de doi cioplitori in piatra, Ion Alexandrescu din Bucuresti si Golea din Dobrita.
Semnificatia este simpla: prin Poarta Sarutului se face trecerea spre o alta viata, iar motivul de pe stalpi reprezinta ochii care privesc in interior.
Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss

Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss

Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss

Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss

Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss

Brancusi Poarta sarutului Tor des kusses Puerta del beso Gate of the Kiss


  1. frumos! poate prinzi o sponsorizare de la udrea :)) bv

  2. Frumoase cadre. Este un loc unde nu am ajuns inca.

  3. Curioso nombre para esta belleza arquitéctonica, unos bunos detalles los que has capatdo, un buen trabajo Laurentiu, un saludo

  4. Curiosa y bonita puerta.

    Los detalles son muy bonitos.


  5. Strange construction but you got it very well!

  6. Precioso arco entre ángulos y luces.

    Buena semana para ti.

    Un beso grande.

  7. Vad betyder namnet? Att man får en kyss när man går igenom porten, eller.......!?

  8. stunning captures!

    what a glorious structure!

  9. Un arco muy particular con unos buenos encuadres!!

  10. A different monument!
    The gate of the kiss... romantic place... very close to nature...
    Beautiful photos.

  11. love that first pic..very dramatic against that storm grey sky. nice shots.
